A Diet Tool That's a Step in the Light Direction

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You walk all day long. Wouldn't it be nice to find out exactly how many calories you're burning? When it comes to putting your best foot forward, experts recommend you take 10,000 steps a day. But who's really counting? Your pedometer, that's who or should we say what. For the person seeking to improve their fit level, the pedometer is worth its weight in gold. Pedometers monitor every step you take and can cost as little as $2 and as much as $40. There are plenty of variations from which to choose, each with different features. Some pedometers may solely measure steps taken, while others count calories burned and even talk. Expect to spend about $10 for a pedometer that calculates calories, distance, steps and time. Now that you have the equipment, it's all about putting it to good use and walking toward those 10,000 steps - and the pedometer is just the thing to get you there. According to one study, when 400 female subjects were presented with pedometers and the goal to walk 10,000 steps a day, they had higher energy levels, were less likely to get sick and experienced weight loss over the course of two months.