Change Your Workout

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Creative Ways to Change Your Workout Routine

When you're ready to get over a workout plateau and kick your metabolism into high gear, consider these creative strategies that will really take your workouts up a notch:

Add weights to your walking routine. Wear ankle weights or carry a pair of dumbbells on your next walking circuit so you're challenging your legs and arms as you finish your route. You'll have a chance to boost your metabolism and burn some extra calories without having to learn a complicated routine. Start a circuit training routine - take a break from the usual treadmill or elliptical machine at the gym and jump into a circuit training routine.

Your circuit training workout may include brief intervals of jumping rope, lifting dumbbells, stretching exercises and sprinting. The goal is to increase your heart rate rapidly while switching between different workouts all in one session.

Take it outdoors. If you're always working out inside the gym, take your workouts outside for a variation on your usual routine. Running on pavement or sand is very different from running on a treadmill, and your body will naturally burn extra calories as it tries to adapt to the new terrain.