Health Benefits of Acai

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With all the health benefits of acai, the natural question is -- is it safe? Can a food have so many beneficial qualities without some side effect or negative repercussion? As of now, there are no known reasons not to take acai. It is reported to be completely safe for everyone. This doesn't mean that we should all switch to an acai berry diet. There are some issues to consider.

While there have been numerous studies to prove the health claims of acai and to ensure its safety, acai is still a relatively new food to most of the world. As with any food or nutritional supplement, consume acai in moderation.

Many women who are pregnant or breastfeeding wonder if acai might be beneficial for their health and that of their child. No research has concluded that the superfruit isn't safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but there also isn't research to say that it is. If concerned, always talk to your doctor.

Because acai is a natural stimulant, it may not be the best drink before going to bed. Also, those who are sensitive to heart palpitations or excitability should try acai in small amounts to test for any reaction.

People in the Amazon have been eating the fruit for thousands of years, with zero known negative impact on their health. They also have the advantage of eating fresh berries. The rest of us do not. We can only find acai after it has been freeze-dried and processed. Because of its popularity, many manufacturers make products with acai fruit in it, but not all of them will yield the high nutritional content. The more acai is processed, the less value it will have. Look for brands that have certified organic acai, and list acai as the main ingredient, such as Amazon Thunder.

Acai berries are unquestionably a remarkable fruit. Unique, versatile, and abundant, they are one of the many treasures of the Amazon. Everyone can benefit from acai, so enjoy the guilt-free acai sorbet for dessert or the second glass of acai juice at breakfast, with confidence that you are doing something good for your body.