Healthy Lunch Strategies

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Baby carrots come in individualized packets. Celery is also available in similar packaging. You just have to grab a pack. Make it part of your routine, just the way you get that bottle of water before you go. Shop for fruits you like and wash them all as soon as you get home. Place them in a fruit bowl on your countertop or table where you will see them. Fruits like apples, oranges, peaches, bananas, and pears are easily portable and can be taken from the fruit bowl in the morning on your way out the door. Those are your "side dishes."

Now, you can avail yourself of a sandwich, salad, or snack from the drive-up windows to complete your lunch. Here are some suggestions.

Burger King

Burger King has its Tendergrill Chicken Garden salad, for 240 calories and 9 fat grams. If you include Ken's Fat Free dressing for 60 more calories, plus 1 % milk for 110 calories and 2.5 fat grams you have a great lunch for about 400 calories. If you grabbed a fruit from home, you will have a healthy, filling meal.