A Match Made In Hell? Red Flags That He's Not the One

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Relationship Red Flag: He's a Control Freak

It is one thing to like things a certain way, but if your new boyfriend thinks it's his way or the highway, then it's time to keep driving. You are your own person with your own life, goals, dreams, likes, and dislikes. The last thing you need is some guy thinking he knows how to run your life better than you do.

If your new boyfriend constantly tells you what clothes to wear, how to talk, how to act, and so on, he isn't respecting you or your choices. What seems controlling now could become increasingly more abusive as time goes on, so if he isn't okay with letting you make your own decisions, it's time to send him packing.

Relationship Red Flag: He's Only Got Eyes For You

While being adored by a new boyfriend can feel pretty wonderful, if you are the only thing in his life he cares about, it could mean that he doesn't have anything else going on.

Healthy relationships occur when two independent people with their own lives and interests meet and like each other enough to spend time together. If he doesn't have any friends, hates his job (or has no job), hates his apartment, his life, etc. he's probably not ready for a healthy relationship with anyone and he may become very clingy or prone to smothering you with too much attention.