Cohabitation Tips for Couples

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So you've made the big decision to move in with your partner. Congrats! But before you start getting all cozy and intimate in your love den, it's a good idea to get all the business of living together out of the way first. Sure, it's not sexy to discuss your quirks, habits and preferences, but it's best to get all the dirty laundry aired out before things like, well, dirty laundry cause problems in your relationship. So make some ground rules before the last moving box is unloaded. Do you prefer the toilet seat be kept down? Dirty clothes to be put in certain places? Agree to it beforehand. Work together to establish the roles you'll each have at home. Get all your cleaning preferences aired before the bathroom starts getting scummy and dishes pile up in the kitchen sink – as you glare at each other angrily. Divide and conquer when it comes to daily and weekly tasks.