Warning Signs that it's Just a Fling

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Is your new love interest ready to get serious or just jerking you around? There are plenty of ways to tell if he wants to take it to the next level or is simply satisfied keeping things casual. If you want to know if your new romance is going to go to the next level, read on to figure out if it's just a fling. Does he take things one day at a time when it comes to your relationship or is he making plans for the future that include you? If it's the latter, then he's probably in it for the long haul. Do you know his friends? Not introducing you to his buddies is a major red flag that he doesn't expect it to last. The same goes for his family. When you value your family's opinion, it's only natural to want them to know the person you're growing to love – and get their input on that person. If he hasn't made introductions yet, then it's likely he doesn't envision you being around long enough for their opinion to matter.