Are You A Sex Addict?

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If you're suddenly hit with the thought of what kissing, fondling, or having sex with a complete stranger, an acquaintance, a close friend, or a family member, you are experiencing sexually obsessive thoughts.

You've Been Leading a Double Life.

Do you have a lover on the side? Are you regularly cheating on your partner? Do you keep your sex life a secret from your friends and those around you? If you've been leading a double life to fulfill your own sexual desires, it may be a signal that you have a sex addiction.

While it's true that a number of people, both male and female, cheat on their significant others, a constant compulsion to do so isn't normal.

If you've been keeping your activities a secret from the people you care about the most, it begs one question - why? Why are you hiding what you're doing? If you know what you're doing is wrong but you can't stop yourself, you have a problem.

You are Constantly Looking for New Sexual Material

One of the markers of a preoccupation with sex is the compulsion to constantly seek out only media that is related to sex. This is different from the average guy (or gal) who watches pornography on occasion, reads sex articles, or looks at stimulating photographs. These are normal, natural human compulsions, and an interest in sex is not indicative of a problem.