5 Reasons Why You Need to Forget Your Ex Before Starting a New Relationship

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Interpersonal relationships play a very crucial part in our lives; it is something that determines our personality. Any relationship in our lives has to be dealt with lots of love and patience whether it's the first one or the ninth one, each of them needs to be nurtured with utmost affection in order to have a successful relationship. As you grow you meet new people, to some whom you take an immediate liking and you form a bond of friendship and with some you fall in love with.

Love is a very complex feeling to deal with, as simple as it may seem. If you have gone through a bad phase with someone whom you love and have to break the relationship it is important to do in a very subtle manner. But as human's you fear the phase of being lonely and you want to give ourselves another chance, so you look for another relationship. However before you move from one relationship to another it is very important that you forget your ex.