Top 10 Things Men Want From You

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6. A Strip Show

Men love to watch a woman strip - it's just a fact of life. It ranks in at number 6 because it probably isn't something he wants all the time. The way to a man's heart is through his senses, especially his eyes.

As visual creatures, they love to see their woman tease and get naked in front of them. So turn on some music, dress up in a little outfit, and put on a show. If you don't get it quite right the first time, he won't mind - after all, practice makes perfect.

5. Role Playing

Again, this is not something most men want to do every night, hence the lower ranking. Don't be afraid to role play. Pretending to be someone else for a night isn't going to inspire your man to actually go spend a night with someone else.

In fact, he'll probably like it so much that you'll have no problem keeping him around for the long haul. Ask your guy who he might like you to pretend to be and then go shopping for the costume together.