A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned
Today's Moms Tip
One of the greatest values you can instill in your children is teaching them the importance of saving for a rainy day. With the collapse of the housing market and the incredibly high rate of unemployment, many adults, both young and old,... Read More
More Moms Advice
Playing the Judge: The Who, What and Why Behind the Best Known Toy Awards
Parents today want toys that are both fun and educational for their children. Toy manufacturers want toys that are big hits with both kids and parents. Enter in the Toy Awards. There are several...
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Make Each of Your Kids Feel Special
When that first child comes along, it may feel like you couldn't possibly give out the same amount of love to another child. Yet it doesn't take long before you realize that having any other number of...
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Is Your Child Overscheduled?
Let's face it; we live in a busy world. Despite modern conveniences and advances in technology, it seems that today's families are busier than ever. We try to squeeze in as much as we can in a day under...
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