The Rules of Online Dating for Single Moms

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DON'T choose dates based solely on their photos. It's easy to look for the Brad Pitts or Georgia Clooneys, but you may find that the men who look "normal" or "plain" in their photos may be charming and much more interesting than eye-candy in person. The same goes for likes and interests. While it's good to have something in common with a potential date, it's also important to have a partner who can teach and show you new things and viewpoints.

DO stay safe and smart. Never reveal too much personal information about yourself in your profile or preliminary interactions with a potential date. Your home address, place of business, phone number - these are all off limits until you know this person can be trusted. Always choose a public place for a first date, and let someone else know where you are going and when you expect to be back.


DO speak on the phone before agreeing to an in-person date. It's easy to sound perfect when you have hours and days to work on writing your profile, and people could have someone else ghost-writing for them. In a phone call, you can get a better sense of someone's personality. If you're staring at your watch wishing the call was over while he drones on about his golf game, or you're struggling to find a topic to discuss, move on.