How to Skim Time off Your Morning Routine

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Things to Do the Night Before

  • Keep a to-do list and check it every night. This will keep any surprises from popping up in the morning.
  • You need your coffee in the a.m., but you don't need to be fumbling around with water and coffee filters. Invest in a programmable coffee-maker and set it to start brewing a few minutes before you get up. What could be better than awakening to the aroma of fresh hot java?
  • Fill cereal bowls and put them in the refrigerator for younger children. Cereal with a banana and milk is packed with nutrients. You could also instruct older children to make toast or oatmeal.
  • Get a battery-operated automatic feeder for your dog or cat. Cats are notorious for getting in your face when they're hungry. When your kitty gets used to the feeder he'll stop pouncing on you every morning.
  • Decide which outfit you will wear to work. Pick out everything — outerwear, underwear, shoes, and accessories. Make sure you clothes are laundered and ironed. Do the same for your children, or better yet, teach them to do this for themselves when they are old enough, and check their clothes each night toavoid any more surprises in the morning.
  • Prepare the children's school lunches. Do all of your slicing and dicing when you're unhurried. Cut carrots and fruit into bite-sized pieces and toss them into reusable containers. They make a good wholesome side dish to accompany any sandwich.
  • If you're not a morning person, you can become one by going to bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier than your normal schedule.
  • Have the kids shower or bathe at night rather than in the morning.