How to Skim Time off Your Morning Routine

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  • Make sure the kids have put their books and homework in their backpacks.
  • Turn off all electronics one hour before bedtime to reduce stimulation. This will help you wind down and fall asleep quickly.
  • If you have little ones headed for daycare, pack their diaper bags and leave them ready to go in the same place each night so you know exactly where that bag will be when you need to leave in the morning.
  • Things to Do in the Morning

    • Get up 30 minutes earlier. (No big deal. You went to bed earlier, remember?) Use this time to read, meditate or go for a walk.
    • Take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else. There's a reason why flight attendants instruct you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before putting it on your child. If you're not at your optimum, things can go awry.
    • Inhale deeply and exhale. When you're calm and focused, you're more aware of your surroundings. You might notice some small changes that could make a big difference in your morning.
    • Turn on the TV or the computer for no more than 15 minutes to get the traffic or weather report. If the TV or computer is a distraction, keep them off limits in the morning.
    • Voicemail is great for morning phone calls, especially when someone is calling just to chat. You don't have to answer every time the phone rings.

    Things to Do the Week Before

    • Stock up on groceries. The last thing you want to do is roll out of bed to find out that you're out of milk. Either spouse can do the grocery shopping. It need not fall on one person's shoulders all the time (unless you're a single parent).