Diet Reviews / Low Fat
Now, viewers can put The Biggest Loser Diet to work, available through TheBiggest Loser book or through the for less than $5 a week. But you will not have to do this alone. You will not only have the ability to interact with other dieters; you will also have…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
by Elizabeth Kelly It’s one of the most frustrating feelings a woman can have. You wake up one morning to find that the jeans that looked so good yesterday won’t even zip today. You’ve been exercising and eating right, so that can mean only one thing: the dreaded bloat. And…
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Food & Recipes / Food Product Reviews
Do you spend a little more on organic or stick with the regular non-organic fruit? It all depends on the fruits you are buying. Here’s a great rule of thumb to remember — thin skin, go organic and thick skin, it’s ok to go non-organic. Purchase your organic fruits in…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
Looking for help with losing weight? Help that goes beyond the usual lifestyle changes, portion control advice and exercise routines? Weight-loss supplements touting names like “fat burner” and “thermo max” can be enticing. But do they work? And even more important, in the wake of the Food and Drug Administration’s…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
There’s nothing quite as uncomfortable as a case of chapped lips. For most of us, the issue of chapped lips arrives along with the cold weather. It isn’t uncommon to see people relying on Carmex and ChapStick to give chapped lips the kiss off. It’s hard to ignore those telltale…
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Love / Relationships
If your marriage is on the rocks, you should understand the exact problem before doing what is needed to solve it. Here is my tip on how to save a marriage for all couples whether they just got married or have been married for some time. It does not really…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, aside from skin cancer. About 40,000 women will die from it this year, and 232,670 women will be diagnosed with it, according to the American Cancer Society. Twelve percent of women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
by Eva Perry Did you know that when you are dieting, there are positive and negative effects to your skin? Good nutrition is a key factor in maintaining that healthy glow and elasticity that many people strive to obtain. Healthier food choices are usually made when dieting. This means adding…
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Moms / Activities
As shows such as MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16” showcase the growing trend of over-the-top and extravagant parties for children and teens, it becomes increasingly difficult to remember the days of simple gatherings where Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Musical Chairs were considered prime entertainment. Kids and parents…
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Moms / Mom Tips
For most parents, the days of letting their kids run around the neighborhood from sunup to sundown went out with the lax attitude about bike helmets. These days, summer is all about structure for most kids. Whether it’s camp, daycare, summer school or other activity, it’s important for kids to…
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