Drinking and Dieting: How Much is Too Much?

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Try a vodka tonic. Diet tonic water does not contain any calories, and one shot of vodka contains less than 100 calories per serving.

Give a Cuba Libre a chance. Diet Coke does not contain any calories, and one shot of rum contains approximately 110 calories.

Mojitos are a sweet and tasty drink made with fresh mint, lime juice, sugar and light rum. The typical Mojito contains about 160 calories and can be a somewhat healthy addition to a meal.

Most forms of light beer contain less than 100 calories per serving but still have the same taste as their regular versions.

Drinking alcohol while dieting can be risky and may not be a wise choice when you are trying to cut back your caloric intake and get healthy. While some diet plans allow you to drink alcohol once or twice per week, you may need to eliminate alcohol completely to get the best results with your weight loss program and keep your diet on track.