10 Simple Kitchen Organizing Tips

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Set up a Message Station - If your kitchen allows, set up a specific place for the telephone, messages, keys, etc. I have a small peg board where I keep reminders and messages. Underneath that there's a wall-mounted key rack, and under that a small desk with the telephone, a basket for mail, a calendar and pens and paper for writing. Having an area like this can save you tons of time and you won't lose messages or mail again. If you don't have space for this in your kitchen then place it in your hallway or living room.

Invest and be Clutter Free - Now you can find all sorts of inexpensive organizing products and gadgets for your kitchen and home. If possible invest in a few of these as they will make your job much easier. A simple pegboard where you can keep photos, messages or your kids' works of art can be a lifesaver. The same thing goes for a plastic bag organizer or good spice rack. Invest a little and you'll reap the rewards in time saved and much more pleasant kitchen to cook in.

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