Daily Reading
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Usually you trust your instincts about money, but today you should believe even more strongly in your financial sense. Unconventional ideas for increasing your income might come up. While your instincts might say go for it, your logic could tell you no. Help yourself by consulting professionals who know what's happening. If they agree with your instincts, go for it!

Important planetary aspects of the day:
Mercury trines Dragon?s Head; Venus conjuncts Saturn; Moon conjuncts... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
You may experience a flight of ideas during the morning hours... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Devising strategies to outwit rivals; filing law-suits/ petitions;... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the shanks; long journeys towards East and Southwest.... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
This is a win-win day that favours all hard-working and motivated... Read More