Total Health Makeover Plan

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The principles of the Total Health Makeover are simple enough.

  • Read nutrition labels -- Bypass any products with chemicals, additives and preservatives.
  • Reduce intake of red meat -- Cut out beef, pork, lamb and venison, and replace it with chicken, turkey and fish.
  • Reduce dairy intake -- Say farewell to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream and butter. Replace milk with rice milk. Load up on water or unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Reduce sugar intake -- It's time to eliminate white, brown and powdered sugar, in addition to those artificial sweeteners. Enjoy pure maple syrup, honey, molasses and Sucanat.
  • Stock up on whole foods -- Fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes should comprise a big part of your diet. Whole foods only have on ingredient on the package.