How to Forget an Ex: Things You Can Do

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Throw Away Your Ex's Stuff

Clean up your house and stack away all the old memories like love notes, cards, gifts, cards, CD's etc that will remind you of your ex. Since he's no more a part of your life none of his things need to be either. Burn away the paper stuff and throw away the other things in the garbage or give them away.

Don't Be Idle

Keep yourself busy throughout the day, so that your mind does not get a chance to wander to thoughts of your ex. Concentrate on your work and make that extra effort in your work place, you really don't know who's watching you, and you could possibly win brownies for working so hard.

Eat Healthy Food

Eat good food and don't skip meals, as when you skip meals you feel more depressed and low. Munch on some healthy salads and your favorite sandwich and juices. It is important not to eat to fill yourself up but to have a meal. Treat yourself for working so hard at work and trying how to forget an ex.