Picture Perfect: 5 Affordable Enhancements to Look Your Best

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A Wrinkle in Time

If you're concerned about the signs of aging your skin shows – we're talking wrinkles – then going a little more high-tech might be the treatment you need. There are a few options for those who want a more youthful appearance. For recessed scars, thinning lips and very deep wrinkles, a filler such as Restalyne or Juvederm is effective. The injections take just a few minutes, and the effects last from a few months up to a year. The cost can vary wildly, depending on the practitioner, his or her location, and how many injections are received. Patients typically are charged by the syringe, and one syringe can cost $500 or more. Most people need more than one syringe, plus surgical facility costs, local anesthesia and other medications may be factored in. Basically, for a smooth face, you could be looking at $2,500 or more per treatment. Factor in more than one treatment per year, and the price tag can climb even higher.

Perhaps a more economical option for wrinkles only might be Botox, which is sold per injection. Many doctors charge $10-20 for an injection. That sounds like a bargain until you learn it may take a whopping 60-75 injections to treat the eyebrow area alone. Before you take a shot at "specials" on Botox, keep in mind that this may indicate an old batch that may not be as effective or a diluted product. Get your money's worth by asking how many injections you will need to achieve your desired results and how the medication has been reconstituted.