Showing Off Your Smile

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Make sure not to press too hard because this can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and may lead to deadened teeth. You should be able to reach every tooth in your mouth to clean.

Make sure that you get it into all of the pits and crevices between each tooth and the front and back and top. To reach the ones in the back on the side, stick your toothbrush in there and close your mouth a little bit to allow more room for it to work.

The one place that people most often forget is their tongue and the roof of their mouth. Scrub these areas as well so that you can get rid of all the decay causing bacteria that exist.

Most people only go to the dentist at most twice a year. Because you spend so little time at the dentist, the most important part of taking care of your teeth is done at home and is your responsibility.

You are capable of preventing cavities and removing the plaque which is a transparent layer of bacteria the coats your teeth. In addition to brushing them twice daily, you also need to floss them every day.

Take some floss about six inches long and wrap it around your two pointer fingers. Force the string down in between each tooth and slide it gently back and forth a few times before moving onto the next one.

This helps prevent any plaque buildup in the harder to reach areas and will help you stay away from cavities. The last thing that you can do to help keep your smile whiter and healthier is to use a fluoride rinse.