Beauty Apps for your iPhone

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Beauty Calls

The Beauty Calls app is a perfect way to have beauty advice at your fingertips. Fill out a basic beauty profile and the app will suggest a daily tip, like the best time to apply moisturizer (immediately after a bath or shower, it turns out) or a home recipe for hair conditioner. Based on your beauty profile, Beauty Calls offers consultation as well. The app will also send you digital coupons for your favorite beauty products. Hot tips and discounts, too! It's totally worth .99 to buy the app through iTunes.

Beauty News and Make-up Trends, Tips & Video

Are you wondering how to pull off the hottest lipstick trend? The Beauty News and Make-up Trends application will tell you how to rock that orange lipstick, seen all over the runway recently.

This app is a brand new addition to iTunes. For $1.99, you'll be kept up to date on the latest trends and news in all things beauty. You will also get the latest and greatest beauty tips, many by video. This app will keep you connected to the latest beauty and make-up blogs, and you'll always know what celebrities are doing and wearing (in terms of make-up, that is). The app will also allow you to connect with Facebook and Twitter to share your tips and tricks with your friends and family.