7 Ways To Look & Feel Your Best This Summer

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Have you put on a few winter hibernation pounds? Worried about how you'll look at the beach this summer?

Perhaps with kids, work, family and all of your responsibilities of being a superman or superwoman, you are in need of more consistent energy throughout the day.

If you want to lose weight, improve your overall health or eliminate the afternoon slump, here are 7 simple tips anyone can do right now.

1. Eat More Raw Foods

Raw food is possibly the only weight loss and health solution that works for 100% of the people, 100% of the time. Adding more live, raw foods to your diet on a daily basis will provide your body with the essential raw nutrients to sustain health.

One of the best things about adding more raw food to your diet is you can eat as much as you want, whenever you want, and still lose weight. What most people find is not only do their cravings subside, but also their skin clears up, they get better sleep at night and their attitude improves...all while losing weight at very fast, but healthy speeds.

If you want simple, sustainable diet options that work and work fast, raw food is the way to go. (For raw food suggestions and program options, see author box below.