Romantic Weekend Trips

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Life is hectic. Between work, children and other obligations, it often seems like your relationship gets lost in the shuffle. Wouldn't it be nice to place everything on hold and escape for weekend -- sans kids, computers and constant responsibilities? If you have been feeling a disconnect between you and your partner and feel some quality time is in order, you are probably due for a weekend getaway. Weekend getaways are the perfect opportunity to breathe new life into your relationship and reconnect with your partner. The secret to a successful getaway is to keep it stress free. It shouldn't require an extensive amount of planning or money. Don't take all of the fun out of it by getting bogged down in details. The more spontaneous, the better. In many cases, you'll want to take advantage of your geographic location. For example, get wined and dined with a winery weekend. If you are the vicinity of a local winery, spend some time enjoying wine and gourmet food. Then settle into a local B&B for some serious R & R. Do you live close to a port?