Shower Sex: Play it Safe 

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Getting dirty while you get clean is a great idea for couples who are trying to mix it up or are short on time - or perhaps hot water. But before things get steamy, there are a few things you should know. First, preparation is key. Nothing can kill the mood faster than a stinky, dirty or cluttered bathroom. So wipe up all that soap scum, scrub the toilet and clear off the counters before even thinking about water sports. Next, consider the traction in your shower. Nothing can kill the mood faster than someone slipping and cracking their noggin on the side of the tub. Put down a mat with lots of traction, or at the very least, lay a large towel in the bottom of the shower to cushion and support you. Don't rely on fixtures to hold on to - soap dishes, towel racks and the like can't support the weight of an adult, particularly if it's an older fixture or you're pretty rough. Now that things are clean and safe, it's time to get busy.