How to Orgasm without Intercourse

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While a lovemaking session can be meaningful without an orgasm, it may leave one or both partners unsatisfied, making you go from "O" to "oh no."

Men sometimes have trouble giving women a satisfying orgasm because they often take for granted the fact that while penetration is sufficient for them, it might not be for their partner.

There are a number of ways to stimulate your partner to the point of orgasm without intercourse, and much of it has more to do with psychological stimulation than physical. Although it's uncommon for some to reach climax without any kind of genital or physical stimulation, it does happen - and it should be celebrated. More common, however, is an orgasm without penetrative intercourse.

As most women know, clitoral stimulation is one of the most exhilarating and stimulating means to achieve climax, but it's often undervalued by men, who are quick to go right to penetration.

Here are some simple recommendations on how to get you and your partner in the right frame of mind necessary to achieve an orgasm without intercourse.