5 Christmas Break Activities You'll Love

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Vacation is all you ever wanted -- until you're struggling to keep the children entertained over Christmas break. For the working parents, there's no better option that sending your kid to the equivalent to winter camp for vacation.

You can usually find a program through the city, the YMCA or a local community center. However, if time is on your side and winter camp isn't in your budget, there are plenty of ways to keep the kids occupied throughout the day. Take your kids ice skating. Depending on where you live, there are indoor and outdoor rinks. In some areas, use of outdoor rinks is even free. If you live in a state where the climate doesn't get that cold, opt for a day at the ice skating rink. For less than $10, your child will be entertained while getting plenty of exercise. If you live in area where there is snow, make it a snow day. Build a snowman or a snow fort. Your kids may even be up for a snowball fight.
