Cucumbers: Chill Out with the Ultimate Beauty Aid

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We've got a beauty aid that will leave you feeling cool as a cucumber. In addition to being a refreshing and healthy snack, it can actually be your go-to green for boosting your appearance. As it so happens, cucumbers are 96 percent water which makes them extremely beneficial when you're looking to rehydrate. And they don't say cool as a cucumber for nothing. It has a refreshing and cooling effect on the body. Cucumbers play a role in tackling beauty issues ranging from treating tired eyes to banishing blemishes. Grated cucumbers are applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes. By acting as a tonic, they prevent blackheads and pimples. Another concoction includes blending half a peeled cucumber with a tablespoon of instant nonfat dry milk with a teaspoon of plain yogurt. Apply mixture to face and leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.