How to Take Care of Your Eyebrows with Tweezers

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Tweezing is the most inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair. A pair of Tweezers will cost between two to five dollars, but the effect of a well shaped eyebrow through tweezing can be very astounding. Your eyebrow's shape should go along with your brow bone's natural line.

The arch should come out to be the highest at the pupils outer corner. To know exactly where the brow should start, align a pencil straight up from the inner corner of the eye.

To know where it exactly should it end, a pencil, held diagonally from the outer corner of the eye to the brow bone can help. The very first time you pluck your eyebrows, it could be painful.

But after two or three sessions, you feel almost nothing. Eyebrows shape should have an arch. Ideally, it should be over the iris of the eye. Be careful not to overdo it; it should come out natural and conforms with your eye.