Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

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If you think you're pulling out all the stops in order to lose weight, yet the scale still doesn't move as quickly as you'd like, then it's time to take stock. Simple, subtle mistakes can derail any honest diet effort, so take the opportunity to examine your habits and banish those weight-loss blunders. If you've tried slashing calories in order to lose weight and it worked for awhile, then you may see the pounds creep back on after the diet "ends." When you go on a very low-calorie diet, then you train your metabolism to slow down. So when the diet is over, you still burn those extra calories more slowly - and pack on more pounds than before. Skipping breakfast seems like an easy way to cut unwanted calories from your diet, but it really ends up costing you later in the day, as you compensate with more snacks, a bigger lunch and extra calories throughout the day.