The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

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Sometimes finding a relationship you know will last forever feels impossible. When you're struggling in love or have had your heart broken, it can be inspiring to turn to Vedic Astrology for help. We've all heard about Vedic Astrology helping to reveal compatibility -- but what else makes a successful relationship? Learn the five critical mistakes that may be keeping you from a greater love life...

Mistake #1: You Jump to Conclusions
While compatibility is revealed in Vedic Astrology and is very important, it's simply not enough. Why? Because you can be wildly compatible with a man who isn't a nice man. He may be an addict, an abuser or have commitment issues and will never meet your expectations. At the same time, if you're not compatible, then nothing else will matter.

The Warning Sign:
If you don't feel good around him, if you can't talk and have him understand what you're saying, if you don't have a foundation of friendship and healthy mutual attraction -- you won't be happy no matter how much everything else is working and no matter how great of a guy he is. If you feel like you're working too hard on your relationship, chances are, you're not compatible.