Gourmet Milkshakes to Make at Home

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Sometimes you want something cold to drink, but the usual water, soda, or iced tea just won't do. You want something rich, creamy and thick. This is the perfect occasion for a milkshake.

Milkshakes are available at your local fast-food joint, but these made-from-a-mix milkshakes don't offer much in the way of flavor.

You can make your own delectable and sophisticated versions of this classic dessert drink at home. The only tool you'll need is a blender.

With homemade milkshakes, you can express your creativity when it comes to flavorings. You also have the control when it comes to what type of milk you use, the amount of sugar and other additions you include, and all other aspects of the milkshake formula.

This is great if you have food allergies or sensitivities, are watching your weight, or just want to enjoy the unmatched flavor of a milkshake made from scratch.

The main ingredient in a milkshake is, of course, milk. To reduce fat and calories, opt to make your milkshake from reduced fat milk.

For those who don't drink cow's milk, you can make your milkshake from alternative milks without sacrificing taste or texture. Some of these milk alternatives include:

  • Soy milk
  • Rice milk
  • Almond milk

There are also ice creams made from these alternative milks that can be added to your milkshake.