Today's Love Tip
When you meet the person of your dreams, he or she may seem like the total package – perfect in every way. We all know that's not the case, but in the throes of a passionate relationship, the little flaws can be overlooked. That's a... Read More
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6 Ways to Make Your Bedroom Hotter

Been feeling the doldrums in the ol' boudoir? Has the hotness of your bedroom cooled over the years? Take a good look at your bedroom. How does it make you feel? Sometimes we need just a little inspiration to get the juices flowing. Here are six ways to transform your tired sleeping quarters into a den of iniquity.

Tip #1 - Your Bed, the Main Attraction

It's the centerpiece of the bedroom; thus, the main attraction. Your bed should be a welcoming space to sleep as well as seduce. The bed should be placed in the center of the room, with easy access on both sides. Sheets with a thread count ranging from 200 to 600 are soft and breathable.


While standard cotton sheets are affordably priced, if you can splurge a little, try the smooth and supple fibers of Egyptian or Sea Island cotton. For an added touch of luxury, silk and satin sheets are warm and light on the skin. Beware of too many decorative pillows, which tend to interrupt the fluidity of bedroom action.

Whether your preference lies with bold or muted tones, selecting a color scheme largely depends on your emotions. From dark and daring reds, dreamy and pensive blues, to softer hues of cream and tan, the palette should appeal to the sexier side of you.

Tip #2 - Drapery, the Private Sanctuary

Nothing is going to kill the romantic mood faster than a pair of ogling neighbors (unless you're into that). A sense of privacy is crucial to cultivating a sexy space, so investing in a good set of window treatments will certainly pay off.

Curtains lined with blackout fabric will block out the light completely and reduce street noise, and as an added bonus, they're energy efficient. Alternatively, layered treatments like venetian blinds covered with sheers and topped with floor-to-ceiling curtains will allow you to let in some daylight without sacrificing seclusion. Maintain the overall vision of your bedroom as a whole by matching the drapes to the bedding and decor.


Tip #3 - Lighting, the Mood Setter

While candlelight is perhaps the most popular mode of creating romantic ambiance, relying on it entirely for your lighting needs may kill the spontaneity of the moment. Never depend solely on overhead lighting; it is not flattering and will give your bedroom an institutionalized feel.

Using indirect light from at least three different sources - like floor lamps, wall sconces, and bedside table lamps - will provide some options on the amount of luminance emitted as well as the placement of light sources in the room. Equipping each light with a dimmer gives added control over the softness of the light. When purchasing light bulbs, keep the wattage at 60 or lower and the color temperature around 3000K for a warmer hue.

Tip #4 - A Naughty Drawer, the Inspirer

A bedside drawer filled with all the accoutrements for sexy time is both practical and fun. Keeping these accessories within arm's reach certainly will not disturb the momentum. Visit your local sex shop for all sorts of erotic inspirations, like sensual lotions, arousal gels, massage oils, flavored lubricants and aphrodisiacs.

Erotic games like edible candy g-strings, handcuffs, French ticklers and body paint kits may just give the stimulation you were hoping for. Don't forget about sexy clothing and lingerie!


Tip #5 - Cleanliness, the Enticement

Clean your room! Really, there's nothing sexy about dirty sheets, stinky socks or dust bunnies in the corner. A clean bedroom is an enticing room, so make sure you have done a thorough cleansing of all surfaces for dust, removed the laundry hamper from sight, and rid the space of distracting and useless clutter. If you have pets or children, keep them out.

Clear away anything that reminds you of your duties and obligations (work papers, electricity bills, textbooks, etc.) and only keep things that add to the beauty of the room. Also consider placing family photos outside the bedroom. Expelling the television from the room is a good idea. At the very least, hide it from view and firmly keep it in the "off" position. The same goes for cell phones and computers.

Clear away anything overtly girly - like teddy bears, an abundance of pink things, and so on - and try to create a balance between masculine and feminine sensibilities.


Tip #6 - Extras, Making it Personal

Above all else, your bedroom should reflect who you are. By adding your own personal touches, you can create a space that you love to be in, feel sexy in and is sultry enough to share with another:

  • place your favorite flowers in a vase;
  • bring in some sensual foods like strawberries, chocolate pudding, almonds or whipped cream;
  • light some candles scented with lavender or vanilla;
  • put up some erotic artwork or make your own;
  • a well-placed mirror or two can really heighten the experience;
  • serve up some wine to lower inhibitions;
  • playing some seductive music will certainly set the mood, and it will provide a bit of a sound buffer, so create a large playlist ahead of time. Use Pandora or iTunes' Genius for song suggestions based on your tastes;
  • install a lock on the door if there is any chance of being interrupted by unwanted guests;
  • purchasing an extra sofa or chair can add to the possibilities; and
  • keep cozy blankets nearby for the colder months and a fan for warmer days.

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Forget Your Ex Before Starting a New Relationship
Interpersonal relationships play a very crucial part in our lives; it is something that determines our personality. Any relationship in our lives has to be dealt with lots of love and patience whether it's the first one or the ninth one, each of them needs to be nurtured with utmost affection in order to have a successful relationship. As you grow you meet new people, to some whom you take an immediate liking and you form a bond of friendship and with some you fall in love with.{relatedarticles}

Love is a very complex feeling to deal with, as simple as it may seem. If you have gone through a bad phase with someone whom you love and have to break the relationship it is important to do in a very subtle manner. But as human's you fear the phase of being lonely and you want to give ourselves another chance, so you look for another relationship. However before you move from one relationship to another it is very important that you forget your ex.

1) A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body

Not being able to forget an ex will shut down your mental peace. You are going to be living in the past and not giving yourself a chance to have a good future. It is important to understand that the relationship is over and its time for you to move on.

2) Injustice to Yourself

If you've had a bitter break up or a painful one, your chances of getting into another relationship get scarce. You will be apprehensive of meeting new people and getting into another relationship. Life is full of highs and lows and you need to deal with a break up as a low phase and be ready to give yourself a chance to experience highs again.{relatedarticles}

3) Concentrate Hard

Your concentration to whatever task that you do is hindered when your mind is not well. By harboring old feelings and negativity in your mind, you will be not only harming yourself but may jeopardize your career and other aspects in life also. Life still has more to offer and you need to be ready to see the brighter side of life, the sooner you do it, it would reap results.

4) Don't Jump the Gun

It is important that when you get into another relationship you're mentally and physically ready. It makes no sense getting into one and then pondering over your past. It will not only anger the other person but also make them feel insulted. If you've had a break up its no reason to not give the other person their due amount of love and affection.{relatedarticles}

5) Comparisons with Your Ex

If you're lost in thoughts of your ex, the chances of you comparing your partner with your ex would increase. Each person is different and their ways of reacting to a situation are different, if you aren't over your ex you may unknowingly start talking about the way your ex dealt with the situation. This would mean hurting your partner and also disrespecting her. So it's not a good idea to meet anyone until you've got your ex out of your mind.

About The Author

You know you have been hurt and NOW you need to get over a breakup and all those bad memories, painful experience of your ex once and for all when you visit http://www.ForgetEx.com.

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Which Birth Control Option Is Best For You?

Oh no, I forgot to take my pill today!

What? We used the last one last night?

I don't have time to run to the pharmacy today!

I have to wait how long before I can try to get pregnant?

If lately you have found yourself uttering these words and stressing out about your birth control, then perhaps you are overdue for a birth control check-up. If you have never used birth control before, then you definitely want to have all the facts before making such an important decision to avoid these situations in the future.


Today, women have more choices than ever when it comes to birth control and everyday more contraceptive options are approved by the FDA. Of course, with more birth control options come more choices and the most important question, "Which birth control option is best for me?" Before investing in a birth control method, start by taking an assessment of your needs, desires, health and lifestyle.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding which birth control option is best for you:

  • Are you 35 years of age or older?
  • Is your overall health good or do you have specific health issues such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure?
  • Do you smoke?
  • How often do you have sex, and how many partners do you have?
  • Do you want to have children in the future, and if so, how soon? and
  • Do you have a health care provider and health insurance?

Types of Birth Control

Barrier methods include:

  • devices (diaphragms, cervical caps, sponges);
  • sheaths (male and female condoms); and
  • spermicide (in the form of gels, foams, creams and tablets), which block or stop sperm from traveling to the egg.

Some of these products are for one-time use (male and female condoms, sponges and spermicide), while others may be reused (diaphragms and cervical caps).


Hormonal methods work by preventing pregnancy by interfering with ovulation, fertilization and/or implantation of the fertilized egg using female hormones (estrogen and progestin). Hormones may be administered orally by ingesting a combination pill (estrogen and progestin) or the mini pill (progestin only).

This happens on a monthly or quarterly cycle, or applied internally through a vaginal ring or externally through a patch or an injection. The time interval between hormone dosages is one of the most important distinctions between the different hormonal options.

Implants are devices inserted into the body that can be kept in place for a few years. The primary device, known as an intrauterine device (IUD), affects the way sperm move and stops it from traveling to the egg. It also changes the lining of the uterus, making it harder for an egg to attach.

The Good, The Bad and The Bottom Line

One-Time Use Barriers: Condoms (Male and Female), Sponge and Spermicide Alone

What you will love: you can buy them over the counter without a prescription. For condom users, you will get the highest level of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), except for abstinence. There are no hormonal side effects, and there is no wait if you want to get pregnant tomorrow.

What you will hate: the loss of spontaneity, especially when the moment arrives, and the nightstand is bare. The irritation and rash if you are allergic to latex or spermicide. The mess and keeping track of how long to leave in the sponge and spermicide to be effective without the risk of developing toxic shock syndrome. For the environmentalist, the thought of cluttering landfills with these disposables.

Bottom line: if you are primarily concerned about safety and are actively searching for Mr. Right or dating a lot just for fun, the latex condom provides the maximum protection against sexually transmitted infections. Condoms and sponges are also the most accessible form of birth control.


Muti-Use Barriers: Diaphragm and Cervical Cap with Spermicide

What you will love: the cost savings and eco-friendliness of these multi-use devices. No hormonal sides effects. No wait if you want to get pregnant tomorrow.

What you will hate: the visit to the doctor's office to have the diaphragm fitted or to get a prescription for the cervical cap. For busy women or preoccupied minds, remembering to take out the device within the window period. The mess and possible side effects from irritation, potential allergic reactions and urinary tract infections.

Bottom line: if you are concerned about costs and are comfortable using insertable birth control then the diaphragm will give you the most bang for the buck as the cheapest birth control.

The Oral Pill

What you will love: the 95% effectiveness rating, shorter, lighter and more predictable periods, and the return of spontaneity in the bedroom and elsewhere. For extended pill users, you have the bonus of having only 4 scheduled periods a year.

What you will hate: for the forgetful -- remembering to take your pill every day. The potential sides effects include headaches, nausea/vomiting, changes in your period/spotting or bleeding between periods, breast tenderness, changes in mood, and weight gain. The increased health risks for women over 35 and smokers.

Bottom line: if you are stickler for routine and are in good health, younger than 35 years of age and a non-smoker, the pill is a highly effective method of contraception at a reasonable cost.


Hormonal Applicants: Patch, Vaginal Ring and Injection

What you will love: the 99% effectiveness rating, shorter, lighter and more predictable periods, and more spontaneous sex. Saving your memory cells for something else because you only have to remember to change the patches or vaginal ring (NuvaRing) every 3 weeks, or visit your health care provider every 3 months for a shot (Depo-Provera).

What you will hate: the exposure to higher-than-average levels of estrogen than most oral contraceptives. Waiting a few months to get pregnant once the biological clock has rung. Putting up with the same side effects as taking an oral pill plus the risk of increased vaginal discharge, swelling and irritation. For injection users, there is also an increased risk for bone loss if you get the shot for more than 2 years.

Bottom line: if you are somewhat forgetful or have a busy lifestyle, are in good health and don't mind the wait to try to get pregnant after stopping your contraception, then an alternative hormonal application offers a few more conveniences that the traditional pill.


Implanted Devices (Copper IUD, IUD and Progestin, and Rod and Progestin).

What you will love: a long-term contraception solution with a 99% effectiveness rating. The rod can stay in place for 3 years; the IUD with progestin for 5 years; and the copper IUD for 12 years. You will also be hormone-free with the copper IUD. The rod is implanted in a less intrusive area under the skin in your arm.

What you will hate: upfront costs which can range from $500 to $1,000. There are common side effects, which can include cramps and irregular bleeding and uncommon side effects, which could include pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Overweight women will also be disappointed with the rod's reduced effectiveness for them.

Bottom line: if you can't envision the pitter-patter of little feet on the horizon, then an implanted device offers a long-term birth control investment.

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