Surgery-Free Solutions to Beauty Issues

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Whatever you feel might be a physical flaw is probably fixable -- if you're willing to go under the knife or take other drastic measures. Botox is an injection of a foodborne toxin; microdermabrasion and chemical peels take off a layer of skin. So is there anything more gentle and less permanent you can do to conceal or treat conditions that bother you? The short answer is yes; you can learn a few tricks and invest in a few products that will save you money and cover up whatever flaw it is that needs hiding. On your face, makeup can hide or draw attention away from many ills - simply play up the features on your face that you do love. For example, draw attention away from a too-large nose by emphasizing eyes with a smoky or sparkly look. A dramatic lip will have the same effect. Blend a vertical stripe of lighter foundation along each side of your nose with your regular foundation to create the illusion of a slimmer nose. Many people have scars and want to cover or eliminate them completely.