Gym Etiquette: Do You Have It?

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Even Miss Manners would acknowledge there's such a thing as gym etiquette. You've either got it or you don't. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the dos and don'ts of the gym, but here's a recap in case you've overlooked anything. Always carry a towel. Most gyms require members to keep a small towel with them at all times when they're working on machines. As you increase your heart rate, you're more likely to sweat and that perspiration has to go somewhere...usually on the equipment. It's common courtesy and proper gym etiquette to wipe down the machine once you have finished using it. You may want to give it a quick cleaning before you use the equipment as well in case your predecessor wasn't as conscientious about good etiquette. Some gyms even keep spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels nearby. Put them to good use. One thing you shouldn't be using while you're working out is a cell phone.