Better Butter Up: Five Healthy Solutions

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Green salads offer much in the way of essential vitamins and minerals, but slathering them with high fat oils and dressings tends to counteract the health benefits. Red wine vinegar is a healthy option, that when combined with various spices and flavorings makes a tasty salad topping.

Use fruit juice as a fat free marinade or baste. Fish and chicken take on a unique flavor when cooked with the juice, rather than a high fat marinade containing oil.

Sauteing doesn't require the use of butter. Your choice of wine is a healthy substitute. Use three tablespoons of wine to replace every tablespoon of butter.

Omitting these unhealthy fats from your diet is as essential as not including asbestos or lead paint when building that new home. With all the evidence we have there's no reason to take a risk in either case. You don't want the final nail to be hammered in your dream home just as they're tapping the last one in the lid of your coffin.