Special K Diet

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ImageBreakfast: Fruit and Yogurt Cereal
Snack: Special K20 Tropical Blend Protein Water
Lunch: Low Carb Lifestyle Protein Plus Cereal
Snack: Chocolate Delight Protein Snack Bar
Dinner: Your Choice

The average intake in calories of the individuals who follow the Special K diet is 1,590 calories. The brains behind the Special K diet look at a recent study which shows people who eat cereal on a regular basis have lower intakes of fat and cholesterol, eat more vitamins and minerals and have lower body mass indexes.

It's recommended that you consult with your physician before following the Special K diet as a more long-term maintenance program.

According to a disclaimer on the site, five pounds is the average amount of weight loss that occurs when people replace their regular meals with two cereal meals.

One of the drawbacks of following the Special K diet is just an overall lack of variety, a factor which often sends dieters back to their normal eating habits. A healthy diet should be one that will not bore a person and that you can stick to for a lifetime, although representatives at Special K do point out there are five different flavors of Special K for assortment.