L.A. Shape Diet

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ImageThe first step is determining your body type. Individuals with an apple shape are encouraged to use a different approach than those with a pear shape. There is a big focus on the consumption of protein in order to build muscle. In building muscle, dieters can burn an extra 14 calories a day. The ratio of the diet is 29 percent protein, 20 percent fat and 51 percent carbs.

The trick is to find the exact amount of protein needed based on your body shape and your BMI.

The L.A. Shape diet is broken down into two phases. Phase one is a 7-day program that is based on drinking an Empowering Shake for breakfast and for lunch. Dinner is a combination of lean meat or fish, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. During phase two, dieters are encouraged to consume the shakes, along with seven servings of fruits and veggies as well as 25 grams of fiber.

Supplements are also an integral part of the program. Dr. Heber endorses herbals, green tea extract and antioxidants.