Best Aphrodisiacs to Spice Up Your Sex Life

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Caviar, while a bank-breaker and an acquired taste, does contain high amounts of zinc which stimulates the production of testosterone. Although it's usually thought of as a male hormone, testosterone exists in females as well and contributes to the sexual functioning of both sexes.

Fine dark chocolate is pretty much the best-known aphrodisiac worldwide. It contains a naturally occurring stimulant as well as properties that produce feelings of satisfaction.

And don't forget the champagne! Like other alcoholic beverages, champagne relaxes you and lowers inhibitions. It's said that champagne affects women more strongly than it does men, creating a pleasant feeling of warmth and a sexy high. Don't overdo it though. While alcohol in moderation can help ease you into an evening of love, drunkenness is a mood killer that can interfere with sexual performance and pleasure.

If nothing else, the knowledge that you spent the time and money to arrange a meal of these delectable treats might be enough to turn your lover on.

Most spices that gained fame as love potions are those with strong flavor. Ancient cultures made a correlation between the warm sensations and flushed faces caused by a spicy dish and the similar experiences of sexual excitement. Spices said to have aphrodisiac qualities include: