Do You Hate the Way You Look?

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A third said they had taken slimming pills or laxatives, and women also admitted they had fasted and tried hypnosis to lose weight.

They blamed aging, pregnancy and menopause for their weight gain.

Anti-aging procedures have seen a particular rise in popularity, with a 42 percent rise in facelifts and a 50 percent rise in eyelid surgery.

What is worrying is that women appear to be turning to inappropriate means of taking control of their weight and shape. Quick fixes and pharmaceutical fixes are likely to lead to problems. Abusing slimming pills and laxatives can have a dramatic effect on your health.

About the Author:

I lost 30 pounds in three months. I'm not an expert, but I do speak from experience. Most of this, I learned on my own or through close friends and family members. Do You Hate The Way You Look?

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Do You Hate the Way You Look?