Exercise to Reduce Stress

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Serotonin, or 5-HT, is produced in the body's pineal gland by an amino acid called tryptophan when you engage in exercise. Moderate or high levels of serotonin elevates your mood. Increased levels of serotonin allow the body to get the deep sleep at night that allows the brain cells to be refreshed and restored. How Do Endorphins Reduce Stress?

Endorphins are released by the body's pituitary gland during exercise to produce what is called a "runner's high". The neurotransmitters elevate your mood and reduce the body's awareness of pain.

The greatest amount of endorphins are created after the first 20 to 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise. If you were to increase the intensity of your exercise, the pituitary gland would decrease production of endorphins. Your body would sense that your intensified activity meant it was in danger, and it would prepare to fight or flee.

The medical experts agree. Your body can avoid the harmful effects of stress when you make time to exercise 20 to 30 minutes a day, five days a week.