How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

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It may be hard to understand at first, especially when you have not experienced the power of the subconscious mind. However, advertisers constantly try to find better ways to be able to subconsciously get you to buy. It is the only way to go and buy.

As a goal setter, I set goals with time based goals. So in 1 year I have an income of $1,000,000. However, my experience has proved to me that it often does not happen in 1 year, especially if you have never achieved such a goal, and this applies to all goals, whether financial or any other area of life.

Time based goals seldom are reached in time for the first run, because we have no data, no information about the process. Imagine going on a flight. You go on the flight and the pilot gives an estimated time of arrival or ETA. This time is pretty accurate, but it is only accurate because the pilot has flown that route many times.

Now imagine Columbus. He says he is going around the world, and may have set a goal. But did Columbus get there in the time frame he set? I don't know how long it took him, and how long his estimate was, however, you can be sure that he did not get there in precise time.

If you take one thing from this article, it is to put time aside. Yes, time is important. An ice-cream in the Sun won't last all day, however, if you put time in its proper perspective - a kind of perspective of 'I know it is taking this long, but I will get there in the end,' you will undoubtedly reach your goal. And that is a promise and guarantee.