Is Your Love Meant To Be?

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Do you ever feel "cursed" in love? Like "the Universe" has a plan for you that, well, SUCKS?

Maybe you believe that you're "meant" to be alone forever... Maybe you think that because you feel a strong connection with a man that you're SUPPOSED to be with him... even though he's a jerk. Perhaps you fear someone you once loved was THE ONE and you lost out on what was your destiny... So now you have to reincarnate in some future civilization, in some future body, and hope he's there, too.

Great women have this misguided spiritual understanding all the time and it's such a shame. Because when you think this way you'll put up with less than you should or you'll make little or no effort to have what you want.

Take my client Lisa. For years she's been seeing a guy "on and off." They're madly in love. He FEELS like her guy. There's just one little problem...

He's cheated on her MANY TIMES. She finds out, they break up, he crawls back and says all the right things... and the cycle starts all over again.

Lisa's making a classic mistake. She's trusting HER FEELINGS more than what her guy is DOING.

When I learned about relationships by looking to the stars, the FIRST thing I was taught was how to tell if both people could DO relationships in the first place. Because you can be wildly compatible with a guy who's NOT a relationship guy.

Lisa's guy is, "astrologically afflicted." This makes a man INCAPABLE of being a good partner - with ANY woman. He can act like he wants a relationship but when you REALLY need him, he'll always disappoint.

It's easy, like Lisa, to spend YEARS with a man like this. Please don't let this happen to you.

According to the very best compatibility technique (from Vedic astrology, the system of India) Lisa and "Mr. Cheater" have amazing connections for attachment and passion, but something else is a problem...

Lisa is "the leader." When the woman is "the astrological leader" in a relationship, she'll always want MORE than her man is giving. Over time she'll be starved for attention and insecure. And it's no one's fault.

To discover if you're "the leader" in your relationship and how to work with it, and other profound relationship truths you've likely never heard before, check out my free vedic astrology and love newsletter.

From it you'll learn:

  • The truth about compatibility, and whether or not a relationship will be worth it, or if it's just a waste of time and energy
  • How to recognize astrologically "afflicted" partners who can't meet your needs
  • 5 proven tips for emotional fulfillment astrologers can't or won't tell you
  • The astrological secret to experiencing more love with less "work"

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