Secrets of Getting Organized

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If you haven't worn that special blouse or favorite pants in over a year, swap, donate or discard it. Over the period of a year, you have accounted for seasonal changes and physical changes (height, weight) and if in good repair, you can swap or donate it. Use the recycling rules of "reduce, reuse and recycle" and cut the pants or old shirt into a useful rag for dusting or washing cars if it isn't suitable to donate or swap.

When purchasing something new, make a point to remove one old clothing item; and if the item you are replacing is too old or worn, discard it.


In many households, people find "small piles" becoming larger as family members leave items throughout the house. As the "left behind" magazines, newspapers, car keys, discarded clothing, briefcases and backpacks, papers and homework that really belong in the briefcases or backpacks pile higher and higher, the "small piles" become "mountain piles" that can overwhelm even the best organizational guru in the family.

Instead, make a habit of taking items when leaving a room. Leave the room in the same, preferably better, state that it was found in. Designate certain places in the home for items that travel both in and out of the home such as those car keys, briefcases and backpacks.


Everyone receives mail. Prioritize the most important pieces of mail; then, categorize the mail into more manageable groups. Like a postal worker, place items you need to attend to soonest in a "high priority" pile then categorize remaining items. Whether categories are subjects or just different levels of "priority," follow a plan that suits your needs AND keeps up with the incoming mail.

Instead of "getting" organized, stay organized with these quick tips and you'll find extra time each day for things besides looking for keys or a pen!