10 Nutrients Women Need

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Potassium is an essential part of the body's electrolytes, responsible for normal cell functions. Also, especially in the form of potassium citrate, potassium increases bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis. It also reduces salt sensitivity, lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of kidney stones. Women need 4,700 mg a day, and those who are breastfeeding need 5,100 mg per day.

Good sources of dietary potassium include bananas, baked potatoes, prune juice, oranges, artichokes, acorn squash, lima beans, cooked spinach, sunflower seeds, tomatoes and tomato juice.

Even though potassium is generally included in a multivitamin and mineral supplement, the amount rarely exceeds 99 mg. Doses of more than 18 grams can be toxic, especially for individuals with unhealthy kidney function.