Is Weight-Loss Surgery For You?

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A mortality rate of 0.1% for lap banding and 0.5% for gastric bypass is commonly reported. Many of the complications are minor, but patients must be aware of the possible problems, both physical and psychological. This is a lifelong, dramatic change, so patient research and confidence plays a big part in the outcome. Tolerating only smaller portions, taking vitamins and a quick loss of weight may leave you overwhelmed. The more armed with knowledge you are about the after effects of the surgery, the better your outcome will be. Checking online support groups can help you to minimize fear and cope with the body changes you will feel after surgery.

If bariatric surgery is not for you, if you are unconvinced or skeptical, or just would prefer to lose weight on your own, there are many weight loss programs that, while not as quick as surgery, will provide the safe, consistent loss necessary for a long term goal. Programs like Weight Watchers require a commitment to eating less and exercising more, but offer the support of informational meetings and real world eating that many find success in. There are short term programs that offer a quick fix, but research has found them to be expensive and ineffective over the long term at keeping the weight off. Your best bet is to follow a well structured program or meet with a nutritionist that can help you devise a plan that works for you, and to add exercise as part of your daily routine for good health.