Nighttime Heartburn Help

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4. Avoid food that cause heartburn.
Foods that cause heartburn are those that weaken the LES. These include fatty food, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, oil, high fat butter and cream, citrus fruits and drinks and tomato-based products. These should be avoided at all cost if you want to avoid heartburn. If you want to be sure which of them you should exclude from your diet, have a food journal. There are also many heartburn-free recipes which you can try.

5. Maintain a reasonable weight.
Obesity puts too much pressure on your stomach, which forces stomach contents to go upwards instead of staying where they should be.

6. Don't smoke.
Aside from the fact that nicotine can weaken your LES, it is found that smokers are seventy percent more prone to heartburn, and those who already have heartburn have worse symptoms.

7. Relax.
Many heartburn patients report having worse symptoms when they are stressed, so you should manage your stress levels better.