Superfoods 101

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The latest of the superfoods to hit the top five list, pomegranates contain the antioxidants polyphenols, tannins and anthocyannis. One of the best ways to incorporate this superfood into your diet is by drinking a glass of pomegranate juice once a day. The juice of the pomegranate contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices, tea or red wine, and the latest studies provide evidence that it may reduce cholesterol and lower systolic blood pressure.

Dark Greens

One of the easiest superfoods to incorporate into your daily diet are dark green vegetables: kale, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and green beans that are all rich in Vitamin A and C, calcium and iron. High in fiber and calorie-friendly, they are one of the best of the superfoods to help maintain a healthy heart and slim your waist.