Why Is Obesity Such a Widespread Problem?

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This goes beyond an empty stomach here. It's a feeling of emotional or spiritual emptiness which is longing to be filled. Many people feel unloved, or feel that they are not worthy of being loved. This is a common sentiment which crosses all boundaries of land, race and gender.

Maybe you had a bad day, or you are feeling negatively about yourself or your life circumstances, and you simply want to feel better. Instead of acknowledging those feelings and moving through them through more positive channels such as spirituality or artistic expression, you indulge in eating excessively.

You think to yourself, "I work hard and I deserve to indulge myself by eating the foods which I enjoy." I'm sure many people feel this way. The problem begins when you don't know when, to say when.

Gigantic portions are the staple of many restaurants in the West. Fat and calorie-laden foods are definitely an option that you will find in many restaurants across the civilized world. The question becomes, what do you choose? Just because you have more than enough food on your plate doesn't mean you have to eat it right now.

In addition to choosing the wrong foods or indulging in excess, living a fundamentally sedentary lifestyle contributes to obesity statistics. Most people around the globe don't have to worry about hunting and gathering for their families. Instead, all we have to worry about is prying ourselves away from our televisions and video games, long enough to answer the door and give money to the pizza guy.